Firstly — Thank you for your interest!
Your Funeral Music aims to capture each Guest's voice, story, and wishes; provide families with cherished audio memories; and, encourage deep conversations about final wishes and mortality.
Discussing death can be uncomfortable. In fact, research shows that our brains often avoid thoughts of it. Thankfully, we can talk about death without it killing us.
By participating, you help:
Inspire others to reflect on their lives and discuss their wishes; reduce the stigma around death; and, help foster understanding that death is a natural part of life.
Sharing your music, stories, and feelings about life and death is an act of bravery. Thank you for being open and creating a playlist for our community.
Secondly —
Be on the lookout for an email from to set a day/time to record your jams.
Lastly —
Folks ask, “How can I prepare before recording my episode?”
Let the mind wander and ponder big questions.
Think on the following: your life, the impact you've had, how you want to be remembered, how each song resonates, what your thoughts on death/dying and the afterlife are, big moments that define who you are now, and any message you want to share with listeners/friends/family.